Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Final Project: Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy is to penetrate multiple markets quickly and effectively. While covering a wide range across the United States. We plan on having these goals met and accomplished by December 12th of 2013. I myself will handle the business end of things. I then plan on hiring a small staff of people at first, about 20, to help with advertising, distribution and bottling of the product. This select group of people will help me mold this company into what i know it can be. One of the leading vodkas in the United States. Our starting budget will be at $2 million. With that money, we plan on hiring our employees, purchasing a refurbished distillery, the rare black diamonds and the water and ethanol needed to create our beverage. This will leave us with enough for our POS (Billboards, Website, Posters etc.). We expect to at least double our original budget by the end of our first year in business.

We plan to meet these expectations by bringing in repeat customers while introducing new ones into our company by means of public events and advertising at clubs, bars, and liquor stores within the United States. We will try to sell a majority of our products in our home city of Las Vegas and also Los Angeles, New York and Miami. Overall we plan to be in 75% of all liquor stores, bars and clubs by December of 2016.

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